# a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

- The ballad of? brain knight? lyrics

The Ballad Of? Brain Knight?
To the tune of? lamb crops sing along? and? the song that never ends?.

The militant bunkers where
I imagine I? m in my lover? s bed
We swam naked? we frolicked young and free
Glistening wet like a froggies leg on a paraplegic? s knee
I gazed into his eyes, what do I see
Jaundice, a disease menagerie
But though he? s got? a figure of an aging sloth
His love? pump can deliver a malicious wrath.

David Hasselhoff? dressed mean, with boots to tease
Bend over, please now punish me
David Hasselhoff? tuck me in bed tonight
Appease me with your leathery face.

Conscripted to fort Dik
Showering with men from 3 to 6
We sung about? leotards, fairies and naked gladiators
I dreamt I was Peter Pan in a frock telling Captain Hook to suck my cock

It looks like I see your prong
I thought you were a? naive bastard in a stupid talking car
But then I saw you in a? Baywatch? and thought you were the sexiest man by far.

Done run away, I beg of thee
Ill show you Athens? style sodomy
We played? grecko marines with our sted? fast dicks
We clubbed our pricks like homeless kids and lathered our self with garlic bread
My heart and bowel belongs to you
No one roots like you? they cum too soon
Oh how? soldiers love being gay
Unlike prison we don? t need soap to play.

David Hasselhoff? my syphilis caused you internal rot
Your old and crusty, you cant even please
Fly back to Germany, how? Bout writing a pop song or two
Hey Davey boy, here? s a message for you?.

F***K? OFF? YOU? C***!!