I'm a walkin' down the street
Like Lucky Larue
Got my hand in my pocket
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I ain't hurtin' nobody
I ain't hurtin' no one.
There's three hundred men
In the State of Tennessee
They're waiting to die
They won't never be free
I ain't hurtin' nobody
I ain't hurtin' no one.
Six million seven hundred thousand
And thirty-three lights on
You think someone could take the time
To sit down
And listen to the words of my song.
At the beach in Indiana
I was nine years old
Heard Little Richard singing Tutti Frutti
From the top of a telephone pole
I wasn't hurtin' nobody
I wasn't hurtin' no one.
There's roosters laying chickens
And chickens layin' eggs
Farm machinery eating
People's arms and legs
I wasn't hurtin' nobody
I wasn't hurtin' no one.
Perfectly crafted popular hit songs never use
The wrong rhyme
You'd think that waitress could get my order
Right the first time.
She's sitting on the back steps
Just shucking that corn
That gal's been grinning
Since the day she was born
She ain't hurtin' nobody
She ain't hurtin' no one.
I used to live in Chicago
Where the cold wind blows
I delivered more junk mail
Than the junkyard would hold
I wasn't hurtin' nobody
I wasn't hurtin' no one.
You can fool some of the people part of the time
In a rock and roll song
Fifty million Elvis Presley fans
Can't be all wrong